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automated tests for eautils sparx enterprise architect addin

Preparing my presentation at the upcoming EA User Group in London (19/05/2017), I published my first video about this subject on the new UMLChannel Youtube channel.

It provides a first glimpse on the automated test module for Sparx Enterprise Architect addins that I will discuss in detail at the EAUG London 2017. Click on the image below to open the Youtube video.

umlchannel blog youtube video automated test addin



eautils package tree sorting addin sparx ea

eaUtils sorting features update the elements tree position from a package or element. Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect applies a default sorting order based on the name of the elements. However to achieve a better management and more efficient use of the elements from within the Enterprise Architect project browser, it can be useful to have alternative and enhanced sorting options e.g. based on the alias, stereotype, tagged value, or according to the layout in a diagram.

This article illustrates a new feature introduced in eaUtils 1.11: sort elements within a package tree, using one of the available options (alias, stereotype, name, tagged value). Further information on all eaUtils sorting features are available from eaUtils Help.