This article shares an MDG Technology that integrates Sparx Enterprise Architect UML models with the free and open source JHipster RAD (Rapid Application Development) framework.
VISEO EA UML to JHipster Generator MDG produces JDL (JHipster Domain Language) content from UML models maintained in Enterprise Architect. This output can be used with JHipster to create the application's entities, including properties and relations.
Not being able to find a suitable tool that generates JHipster entities from UML models, I started such integration for a software application that has been implemented with JHipster 2. This work has been tested and used by VISEO JHipster experts and developers.
Update (31/10/2017): this project is now available from GitHub (MDG-Sparx-EA-UML-JHipster Github project) and will evolve to support new JHipster JDL definitions.
Note: a french version of this article is available here (version FR).