eaUtils 1.11 (build 1601-3) addin for Sparx Enterprise Architect has been released today (27/02/2016) with the following enhancements:
- New option to sort elements in a package tree: when enabled eaUtils lets you select the packages within the tree to process (see screenshot below).
- Custom Tagged Value support in eaUtils Sort By settings (when a different Tagged Value from the predefined eaUtils BrowserOrder needs to be used).
- Improved popup windows with including a summary of the current settings and a status box (see below).
- New Generate Alias option to increment the starting number.
- Improved Security Lock controls.
- Bug fixes: removed packages from the diagram sorting, renamed Trailing zeros with Leading zeros.
- Improved Breadcrumb: prevent creating a hyperlink on the diagram itself.
eaUtils demonstrates how Sparx EA API makes it possible to implement additional features via a custom addin - extension. If you have any need related with the implementation of an addin for Enterprise Architect, please feel free to contact me via email (guillaume[at]umlchannel.com).
eaUtils 1.11 is available to download from eaUtils.com.