EAUG 2023 Call for Speakers are now open.
Following last year's success, the next European EA User group event will be happening in Reading, London UK on June 19th and 20th 2023.
Monday 19th June will be a training day, with half day workshops run by SparxSystems partners. Then Tuesday 20th June will be a day of presentations and networking.
This is the second and last part of my feedback on the EA User Group London 2018. Each attendee had the opportunity to follow 6 presentations including the Keynote.
This article covers the following presentations:
This year’s London EA User Group took place at the Skills Matters Code Node venue. It has been enjoyable and useful to discuss and share experiences with users via this unique dedicated Sparx EA event.
The EAUG London 2018 event started with a day of training on Thursday.
Click here for my feedback on the training sessions I attended.
I'm looking forward to attending once again the London EA User Group as a speaker. Following last year's talk on automated tests with EA add-ins, I submitted a presentation linked with EA's API again, but this time to share my experience in implementing a number of custom scripts.
Below is my presentation's abstract. Please do come and join me at the next EAUG on Friday 8th of June in London (tickets are available to purchase here).
Extending EA with custom scripts to cater for specific needs and user requests using Sparx API
Enterprise Architect supports most standard modelling languages and notations i.e. UML, BPMN, SysML, and ArchiMate. Whether EA is used to build models for a software application, identify business processes, define the system with the MBSE approach, or carry the IT landscape via the business, application and technical layers, customizing the notation with stereotypes and adding tailored features is almost a recurring request.
Automated tasks and additional features can be built using EA API via scripts, add-ins, external tools, etc. Based on a large number of scripts implemented for clients involved in software applications, data modelling, and systems engineering, I will share my experience on this growing activity over the past years:
Join other EA experts, enthusiasts, and users on the 8th of June; full details are available from the eaUserGroup.com site.
The EAUG London 2018 agenda is available here.
Tickets are available to purchase for the next EAUG in London and the full agenda has been released.
I'm looking forward to participating at this great event again, not only as a member of the organization team, but also having been appointed as one of the speakers. This year I will discuss and share work on custom scripts that have been achieved to extend Sparx EA features based on specific needs or user requests (contexts: Data Modelling, SysML & MBSE).
Back in 2012 the very first European EA User Group took place... lasting just one afternoon with 12 attendees.
Jump forward to 2018, the London event has expanded to a two-day affair with a training day, 100+ attendees, and speakers from around the globe - of which you could be one!
We will meet again at the fantastic Skills Matter venue, Code Node in London.
Call for Speakers are now open.
Details on the 2017 London EA User Group are available.
It will take place on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th of May 2017 in the City area of London. Compared with previous events, this EAUG will run on 2 days. This decision has been taken based on a recent survey where a day dedicated on training with the tool was requested.
This first training day is optional, whilst the second day will include talks as on previous years.
I will run a presentation on Friday 19th of May on "Running automated tests with your EA add-ins" (see abstract on the full page here).
Click here to access the full agenda.
I organised and attended the first edition of the EAUG in Paris last week. It's been a very busy, interesting and exciting day overall.
My colleague at VISEO, Yves Connetable, wrote a very good summary on what happened during this day. I translated it as follows to share it beyond the french speakers.
The full agenda for the next EAUG in Paris is available.
Register now from the EventBrite website (ticket: 75€).
8:30 | Inscriptions, café |
9:15 | Message d'accueil |
9:25 | Gregory Weinbach Lean Enterprise Architecture |
10:10 | Pause café |
10:40 | Pascal Roques, Dominique Travel MBSE avec SysML : retours du terrain |
11:25 | Pause |
11:35 | Tobias Ivarsson Aligning international standards TOGAF® ADM and ArchiMate® in Sparx EA: A Case Study from the Automotive Industry |
12:20 | Pause déjeuner |
13:50 | Guillaume Finance Documentation Agile avec eaDocX Collaboration |
14:35 | Pause |
14:45 | Albert Janssens & Michel Gibelli Mise en pratique de l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles à l’aide d'EA et des technologies MDG |
15:30 | Pause café |
16:00 | Rodrigo Nascimento Information Modelling to Canonical Messaging made easy |
16:45 | Guillaume Miard Nos convictions en terme d'architecture d'entreprise. Retour d'expérience de la mise en oeuvre d'EA chez plusieurs clients (PMU, Orange) |
17:30 | Remerciements |
17:40 | Pause finale |
18:05 | Fin |
EAUG, France (Paris), 17th September 2015
Presentation opportunities are available for you to come and share your EA user story with the rest of the EA community at the first French Enterprise Architect User Group event in Paris, France on September 17th 2015.
We are interested in just about everything you do with Enterprise Architect, from the organisation of your model to enhancements you have made using MDG or the automation API, or even just a project with which you are especially happy. That said, we are not just after the sunshine stories and would be interested in hearing about any experiences learned the hard way. Presentations of an obvious or purely commercial nature will not be accepted.
Some example topics are:
Do you have a story to tell? If so, please let us know on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..